Hi Everybody,
After some time of speaking to various suppliers, we are proud to introduce a new digital X-Ray to our practice, which provides great benefits to our patients as well as making our work easier to give to you.

Why a digital X-Ray? There are two very good reasons:
Environmentally friendly, as there are no chemicals to dispose
Instant images, time saving now that no film needs to be developed
Benefits to you, our Patients:
- Reduced exposure to radiation
- Less waiting time, since images are instant and you don’t have to wait to film to develop
- Involved in co-diagnosis, you can see the results on the mounted TV display next to you, while you sit on the chair
- Better understanding of treatment, as its easier for us to show you on the TV what is going on in your teeth
With it’s direct USB connection, image capture technology and enhanced ergonomic design, the Dexis Platinum Censor makes it easy to capture high quality x-ray images, while keeping the patient comfort level (by not needing to put on a classical protective apron).
Dexis Imaging Software serves as a highly effective aid in providing the diagnosis, treatment planning and education. Larger and more detailed pictures allow a doctor to have a better understanding of recommendations, and at the same time show the patient details on the image which before only a trained eye could see.
The software enables centralized patient images, so administration becomes easier. Also as another benefit to you: since all images instantly stored as digital data, they printed and sent to specialists in case you need a referral. Since the data is digital, they get the same high quality images that we here at Clarkson Dental generate.
We really look forward to using this sophisticated piece of equipment, and hope that it will not only improve our service to you, but that you will enjoy knowing (and seeing) you current dental health!
~The Clarkson Dental Team